Trenaver H


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Trenaver H – anabolic and androgenic steroid from the Moldavian pharmaceutical company Vermodje. The main active ingredient – Trenbolone Hexa. Product form Trenaver H – injection in multiples of 10ml, at 100mg/ml Trenbolone – one of the strongest AAS. First in veterinary medicine to augment and increase the muscle appetite of cattle. Trenbolone in the form of various hexahydrobenzyl carbonates of prolonged exposure (up to 10-12 days).

High anabolic activity Trenaver H due to the affinity for the androgen receptor, as well as the strong binding capacity (in times higher than that of testosterone). There is hardly any steroid that can affect the athlete's power, performance and muscles more effectively. But the incidence of side effects is very high, especially in the case of bad policies. Trenbolone shows no estrogenic activity, which means users do not collide with gynecomastia or excess fluid buildup.

How to take

Of course Trenaver H is better to build a 'ladder'. Start standing with the minimum dose and feel the reaction of the body, gradually increasing to the optimum. The recommended weekly rate of the steroid is around 300 milligrams. Course Duration – 5 to 6 weeks to complete. If Trenaver H lasts longer, the gonadotropin dose of 500-1000 IU is included in the second week, one injection per week. FCT starts two weeks after the end of the reception and makes toremifene or clomid.To restore, testosterone boosters are used (when normalization takes about a month).

Reviews on Trenaver H

For professional athletes, to enhance the effect, it is recommended to combine the drug testosterone enanthate and nandrolone. This course is very long and can last up to 15 weeks. But at the same time, Trenaver H reviews speak of a similar combination unsuitable for beginners. Also, trenbolone esters – not the best introduction to AAC. If you do not have sufficient experience in exercise pharmacology, it is better to start with a safer oral AAS (at the minimum dose).

H Trenaver reviews note the high efficiency of the steroid as massonabornogo means. However, a cancellation phenomenon has been observed when a properly prepared scheme and a timely FCT can be minimized.

Trenaver H


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