Methandriol dipropionate


Buy Anabolic Steroids 24 shop provides an opportunity to buy Methandriol Dipropionate online safely. Bodybuilders have the opportunity to buy Methandriol Dipropionate Germany without a prescription.



Methanedriol dipropionate (M.D.) is a water-soluble form of methanedriol, however Methanediol dipropionate remain in effect longer. On the one hand, Methanediol Dipropionate can be dissolved in oil for injections, and on the other hand, Methanediol Dipropionate is manufactured in the form of tablets because it is also effective when taken orally which MD has a strong anabolic and androgenic component, which makes it suitable for building strength and muscle mass. The effect can be compared to a cross between Deca-Durabolin and Testosterone-Enanthate. Like testosterone, there is a strength and muscle gain but does not retain more water than Deca-Durabolin. However, the best results can be achieved when M.D. is not taken alone, but in combination with another steroid. This is because M.D. can increase the effects of other steroid compounds. This is done by increasing the sensitization of the androgen receptors of the muscle cell, so that a higher amount of steroid molecules from the additionally ingested steroids can be taken up by the receptors. This also explains why injectable M.D. is only available today as a compound combined with an additional steroid substance. Injectable M.D. is only available in Australian veterinary steroids Drive, Spectriol, Geldabol and Filibol Forte, so the compound is difficult to obtain. The few athletes who use this drug report good weight gain, solid muscle gain, and low water retention.The steroid combination aromatizes little, so if only M.D., the use of anti-estrogens may be appropriate. The injectable form is only slightly toxic.


The usual dosage for athletes is 100mg every 2-3 days. In Europe, only the oral form of M.D. is eliminated. Also in this case it is advantageous to use M.D. combine with another steroid, preferably injectable. The normal daily dose is 40-60mg and is usually divided into 2-3 single doses per day per day. The tablets usually only last 4-6 weeks, as the effect wears off quickly, so higher doses. They are also I-7-alpha-alkylated, so even low dose aging and short intake can be harmful to the liver. Due to its androgenic effects, women rarely use the M.D. Possible side effects from the tablet form may include increased levels of liver toxins, gastrointestinal pain, acne, gynecomastia, increased aggressiveness, and high blood pressure.

Methandriol dipropionate


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