Vermodje Halotever (Halotestin) – Anabolic steroid tablets have relatively weak androgenic and anabolic effects. Mainly used to improve performance, density, muscle and aggression without increasing overall body weight.
Halotever – active chemical substance fluoxymesterone – anabolic steroid tablets with very high androgenic activity and fluoxymesterone pertekeotnositelno with moderate anabolic activity for sale:
Anabolic activity of fluoxymesterone – 1900% testosterone.
Androgenic activity fluoxymesterone – 850% testosterone.
Fluoxymesterone has a similar structure to methyltestosterone, as it appeared in the modification of testosterone in three positions: 17-alpha-methyl group, 11-beta-gidrogsikruppe and 9-flyuorogruppe. Due to these transformations, with prolonged half-life, the destruction of the basic substance is eliminated when the blocked anabolic receptors of estrogen and prolactin pass through the liver, which eliminates the risk of aromatization and increased l androgenic activity. As a result, fluoxymesterone formed five times more potent than methyltestosterone. The duration of fluoxymesterone in the athlete's body is eight hours. Fluoxymesterone aromatization and therefore when used eliminates side effects such as water retention, gynecomastia and fat deposits on the female type.
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