Flask of Primover


Buy anabolic steroids 24 shop offers the possibility to buy Primover vial safely online. Bodybuilders have the option of not having a prescription to buy the bottle of Primover Germany.

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Application Vermodje Primover 10ml

Vermodje Primover 10ml can be used in the same cycle in which nandrolone is used, methenolone can serve as a substitute, albeit weaker, with the latter. It is a group of drugs Primobolan.Tak same as nandrolone methenolone stabilizes the androgen receptor very well, while at the same time it is absolutely not prone to taste and shows no progestin activity, which has both positive and negative sides.
The positive is the absence of excess water retention and fat deposition during the course of methenolone, to the negative effect – weaker. On the other hand, unlike nandrolone, Vermodje Primover does not convert 10ml of a less active substance, so the potency of its effects on the body remains unchanged.
Vermodje Primover 10 ml actually consists of two areas of application – for competitions and the training period of the distribution cycle. In the second case, the function of the drug used, it is very weak, suppresses the body's production of testosterone, that is, the endogenous recovery of testosterone can go in the background of its use (in this case, the dose should not exceed 400 mg per week, preferably Combined preparation with only non-aromatizing steroids).

How to take

It is best to use the drug during drying for muscle relief and maintenance of its volume. Primover has a very 'gentle' effect on the body, but not because of this neglect of recommendations.The dosage for male athletes is 200-400 milligrams of the drug per week, Kurc Primover ranges from 8-12 weeks. In the case of an increased dosage to 1 gram, the risk of side effects is markedly increased, despite the fact that an anabolic effect is practically not increased. Oral medication 50-100 milligrams daily, followed by post cycle intake that begins within days of stopping steroids.

Given (this applies to professional athletes) the weakness of the Primovera solo course, it is very often combined with other AAS. The only safe combination for beginners is Primover and Nandrolone (for the weights). Experienced athletes on 'Weight' courses can be combined with steroid testosterone ester, Anadrol, Sustanon, methandrostenolone and for muscle drying – Winstrol in one course.

How do women take Primover? To avoid possible virilization, you must adhere to the dosage of 50 to 100 milligrams. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug before conception and during pregnancy.

Flask of Primover


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