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Durabol 100 from British Dragon Pharmacaetuicals – more pronounced anabolic steroid and reduced androgenic activity (compared to testosterone). The active substance of the drug – Nandroloneattached to ether. The drug has a lower half-life than a conventional decanoate – 2-4 days versus 7-10 days, respectively. Durabola ethereal chain about twice as short as that of Deca, and because the injection must be done twice as often. Although fenilpropionala uses some disadvantages, it has significant advantages, such as a decrease in tendency effects and a shortened recovery time of the body's testosterone production after the course. In the event of an adverse reaction to nandrolone (in the form of phenylpropionate), the rapid elimination of adverse reactions is suppressed.

Side effects

Reviews Durabol 100 Durabola in overdose can develop gynecomastia, water retention, increased fat. Eliminate Durabol 100 side effects or prevent them from occurring by using tamoxifen and clomid. Among the unpleasant side effects of androgenic origin, the main ones are baldness, acne and increased sebum production. Women should be extra careful when taking nandrolone. With a significant excess of the permissible dose, virilizuyuschie effects may occur: irregular periods, changes in the structure of the skin, growth of facial hair, deepening of the voice.

Durabol Reviews

Professional athletes often rely on positive Durabol 100 reviews.In preparation, all the claimed effects required intense training, compliance with the diet, enough rest and, of course, a well-constructed regimen of the drug – this is the main essence of the statements of top athletes. They advise beginners and those who have not accepted the AAC to think and count everything before starting the course so as not to find an embarrassing mistake somewhere in the middle or at the end that will cancel the effectiveness of all steroids.

Reviews of Durabole by athletes taking anabolics showed no negative effects on the female body nandrolone in accordance with recommendations for acceptance and duration of the course.



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